Super Farm

W3Swap allows users to earn significant investment returns through the Super Farm. Users can participate in the W3Swap ecosystem by staking LP tokens and earning profits. The Super Farm process is fully automated, adhering to decentralized principles of openness, transparency, and safety, and based on the underlying smart contract of W3Swap.

W3Swap offers two types of farms: Single-Mining Super Farm and Multi-Mining Super Farm, which users can choose according to their assets.

Single Mining Super Farm is a traditional farming type, and users are familiar with it. Only one asset trading type is available, and the profit is relatively single, making it a test field for investors.

Multi-Mining Super Farm, created by W3Swap, offers unique Super Farm gameplay. Users can participate in more asset trading pairs and earn far more profits than single trading pairs. According to the rules, users can set asset portfolios by themselves, which is more flexible.

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