PEGO Testnet
PEGO Testnet is designed to test all innovations and major adjustments within the PEGO ecosystem. Its purpose is to benchmark the PEGO mainnet and ensure that all changes undergo sufficient testing and validation before officially launching.
The PEGO testnet and mainnet follow a parallel development strategy, and the testnet ecosystem will also be built and developed according to the established roadmap.
PEGO Testnet Information
Network Name: PEGO Testnet
Chainid: 123456
Currency symbol: PG
Block Explorer URL:
RPC Node:
Faucet: (10 PG per IP per day, available from August 13, 2023)
W3swap Testnet Version:
PEGOTESTNET-W3swap Contract Addresses:
USDT: 0x0cF4071940782b640d0b595Cb17bDf3E90869d70
wpg: 0x94274b1Ed6E1BDe55fa631f502Aa18512Aa3007b
factory: 0xE9d6f80028671279a28790bb4007B10B0595Def1
Router: 0xA363151e5CC8c0dBcC3eD2287A08f261bE08A33C
Multi: 0x6dfaFc49C09d041b2E732aA67C76F87ee4e3f65E
lock: 0xb88B333c979fD2740Ca693D979dea1d9bfDbcE03
iwo: 0x78190C23fdcfe272614D30ffB9cBEa8acf6b
Last updated